The B.R.E.A.T.H. Blueprint™
This program is for those who want a System to experience Conscious Connection to thrive & live your Happy NOW!
We live in a busy space where time is constantly congested with so many things to do. We feel the overwhelming pressures of over-scheduling activities while running around wondering how we are going to get everything done.
We can barely catch our breath. We have places to be, people to see, kids to drive, businesses to thrive, clients to attract, emails to send, goals to achieve, bodies to feed, Facebook posts to like, texts and tweets popping up incessantly at all times. And that’s just in the span of one hour...
It’s no wonder our incessant activities can leave us feeling pressured, unfocused and stressed out. Most of the time, we end up moving through life waiting for the perfect moment to arrive in order to be happy, enjoy life and totally thrive.
Take a deep breath! The good news is, you no longer have to wait for:
*Everything to be done.
*Friday to finally arrive.
*Prince charming to fall in love.
*A fabulous castle to strut your stuff.
*Millions of dollars in your bank account.
*Loosing the last 20 lbs.
*Stopping the endless chatter in your mind.
You can make a clear choice right now to make the best of each moment. Connect with something greater and give yourself the chance to experience your happy NOW!
When you create a conscious connection practice you instantaneously align with more ease, productivity and abundance. So, you can still get everything done. The difference is you get to enjoy the process, not just getting to your next milestone or task.

The B.R.E.A.T.H. Blueprint™ is the perfect Healing System for you if you’ve been:
- Feeling overwhelmed and rushed.
- Having difficulty concentrating and focusing.
- Worrying about the future or regurgitating the past.
- Wanting to control the chatter in your mind and stop life from running you.
- Eager to experience more ease and fulfillment in your daily tasks and total enjoyment in life.
- Ready to stop waiting for the perfect moment to arrive & start living your Happy NOW!
The B.R.E.A.T.H. Blueprint™ program consists of six simple steps connecting you to the Power, Presence and Possibilities of living in the moment, as illustrated in our blueprint design:
I created The Breath Blueprint Program™ because I got tired of having to wait for everything to be perfect to start enjoying life. I realized my life was rushing by right in front of my eyes and I was missing out on it...missing out on my kids growing up...missing out on having heart to heart connections with the people I loved, because I was always too busy running around trying to get everything done. So, I decided to do something different and here is your chance to do it with me.
The Breath Blueprint Program™ is your opportunity to experience conscious connection to thrive & live your Happy NOW!
When you create a conscious connection practice you instantaneously align with more ease, productivity and abundance. So, you can still get everything on your list done. The difference is you get to enjoy the process, not just getting to your next milestone or task.
The Breath Blueprint™ includes:
- An online platform consisting of 6 weekly modules including the simple steps to create a spiritual connection practice and experience the power of being fully present & happy in your life. Each module contains a video with Breath exercises and a playbook with creative activities.
- Live weekly interactive tele-classes (in person in Voorhees, NJ & also via tele-class) with Veronica Parker and mp3 recordings of calls.
- A private FB community to connect, receive support and experience your happy now!
- Belief Busting Guided Meditations: quantum clearing subconscious beliefs that have been preventing you from being fully present to thrive in the NOW moment.
- Weekly creative activities to actively integrate The Breath Blueprint in your life.

Veronica Parker, RScP is a Reiki Master Teacher, IET Master Instructor, Religious Science Practitioner, Theta Healing & Matrix Energetics Practitioner. She has been facilitating meditation for the past fifteen years and has even taught editors from top magazines (like O, Vogue, and American Baby) to meditate. Veronica loves connecting beings with their inner Potential, Presence and Possibilities. She believes positive change is absolutely possible when we start from within and do it together!
Are you a coach, healer, yoga teacher or creative entrepreneur? Click HERE to find out how you can easily license The Breath Blueprint™ Program and offer it as a turn-key program for your clients.
Veronica’s guided meditations help me become more calm and peaceful. I can relax and become more present, which is great for me as I lead an incredibly hectic life creating new products and promoting Scrub Daddy.
Aaron Kraus, Founder & CEO Scrub Daddy
Celebrate Your Breath Retreat was a beautiful, powerful, liberating, empowering and magical experience. Veronica led us through an array of playful and meaningful activities over the course of three days. Among them were: setting our intentions, yoga and meditation by the ocean (we even attracted some dolphins!!). We created art, journaled and chanted by a fire on the beach . During this time I felt an immense energy being created all around. It was a really positive feeling and I like to reconnect with that energy now when I find myself in unpleasant situations. Veronica has a unique gift to change and heal people's lives by unlocking their possibilities. I've seen it with myself and with my friends. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to attend her retreat and can't wait for the next one!
Ewa Z.
With Veronica's help I could heal family issues, find the perfect house and the money to pay for it. I got to: travel around the world, purchase the perfect car, compose and record my first songs, enjoy my voice and my musical way, enjoy a deep spiritual connection with my husband, meet loving friends, work with great people... I can't even count all the changes I've experienced! Veronica helped me understand the power that is inside of me that can create anything I really want. As she inspires me in life I see how I inspire others.
Valeria Ebu Isaac, singer, composer, spiritual teacher
I absolutely loved the variety of activities that Veronica led our group through. I deepened my spirituality while having one of the best times with a group of incredible women. I stepped out of my comfort zone and found I enjoyed all the activities so much. Veronica really organized a relaxing, yet activity filled retreat that I would not hesitate to recommend to anyone. Her meditations, experientials, chanting, painting, fun nights and so much more will stay a part of my happy memories.
I am still doing the breathwork, affirmations, painting and so much more. The bonding that occurred will never be forgotten, I made new friends for life! Thank you for sharing your sparkly gifts with me! Veronica Parker you really rock!!
Rev Margaret Palagye
Working with Veronica has been amazing! Her energy is palpable, and she exudes love and compassion so no-matter what it is I bring for healing, revealing or expansion, it is always a nurtured and powerful time. When blocks come up, I'm feeling stuck or I just want to accelerate a process, Veronica has tuned in and assisted just that. I feel so blessed to have such an energetic powerhouse to support my journey! Thank you Veronica for all of the beautiful, dedicated work that you do for me, and the world!
Julie Fisher, RScp, RTT, CMT, RYT 500 Co-Founder Live in Joy Yoga & Wellness
What I loved most about Celebrate Your Breath retreat was getting to know the other women, listening to their stories, sharing our hearts and laughter and tears. The transformation I experienced was a peacefulness that I don't ever remember feeling in my life. A calmness and grounded feeling, knowing I was moving to a better me. The change for me was one that I needed at this time in my life. The world around me was/is in change, turmoil to some degree, unsettled. I was able to relinquish control or the need to control and this helped me feel more at ease. I often go back to the energy of the weekend to help me get through difficult times with family situations. I would highly recommend this retreat to all women!
Lorraine Peterson
As you invest in yourself, you create positive change in the world! Ten percent of all net proceeds of The Breath Blueprint Program benefit the One Breath For Change Foundation.
Together, we can create a world with new possibilities! Thank you!

If for any reason you are not satisfied with the components of this program, you can return it by 10/27/15 for a full refund.

Are you ready to stop letting your life rushing by and start living your happy now?

- Veronica’s meditation CD in mp3 format: “Embracing Your Sacred Self”. Relax and allow Veronica’s soothing words to bring healing, clarity and well being for you.
- Discover the top 3 beliefs preventing people from meditating and bust through them during The Breath Blueprint Program.
- Receive The Whimsical Wish Movement: 12 Days of Glittery Gifts to Sparkle Your Life with Passion, Purpose, and Possibility.
- Two pre-course accelerators tuning you into your sparkly vibration and experience of ease in meditation:
Glitterfy Your Vibe! & Meditation Made Easy.